Sarangan Lake

Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

The sarangan lake located in the area of Magetan (30km west of Madiun), well this really the perfect place Getaway that is easily reached from Madiun. The place is in the mountain slopes Lawu, with pinusnya the forest green, and the air so fresh.

Around the lake there are many interesting objects, including speed boat and rowing boat for rent fate beset lake, and the horse that can be rented for the roads around the lake. There are also various restaurants and eatery that serves a variety of food, which is typical of this place is sate rabbit, hmmm ... it's nice, soft and tasty, and low cholesterol. Other food is quite standard, but I recommend is Gurame indigo or fried or grilled and eaten with lalapan fresh sambel rice and a hot-hot, very delicious disantap in the cold air.

The hotel is also widely available, ranging from the cheap (the price of Rp. 60 thousand/ night) to the middling bertarif (IDR 400 thousand / night). Options hotels and restaurants are also found in the lake sarangan feet, about 4-5 km below the lake, with the price of relatively cheaper than in the surrounding lake. But that we can still enjoy the atmosphere of cool, as in similar tretes. Tips just for you, do not forget to select the hotel or lodging that provides hot water, because you certainly do not want to bathe with water ice. " Also available is a rented villa to tourists, the average price of Rp. 250 thousand / night during low season, with two bedrooms).


"Grojogan Sewu" How beautiful...!!

Jumat, 19 Desember 2008

That is still natural scenery,
The waterfall that flows very swift create a comfortable atmosphere and full of inspiring impression.
It is a bit description when heard the name "grojogan Sewu," one of the objects that tourism in Mount Lawu, located at the border, but have entered the district of Karanganyar.

How can be called "grojogan Sewu"? ??
grojogan means waterfall, Sewu means thousand, it may mean waterfall that flows of water to many thousands of drops, but for the course, I do not know...

But if there is to go to magetan, it less if not see the beauty of "grojogan Sewu" waterfall.


The Peak of Mount Lawu

The scenery at the peak of Mount Lawu can pass with the motor and cars, while the images would restriction It was fitting because it restriction corners. After pass restriction will pass Cemoro Sewu and in edge of it visible in the streets of this is the seller of corn as fuel in road Punjon Malang there. In this photo taken the day before the evening .. so the sun behind a mountain, even though the atmosphere above it mention the cold. so.. beatiful
And also Lawu mountain has many attractions that can be visited


'Pummelo', Superior product from Magetan

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008

Among the products superior district of Magetan, there is one commodity that comes from agriculture, namely orange Pummelo. Selection to set the orange Pummelo as superior product is divided into two, namely the selection of comparative and competitive advantages. Excellence is based on the comparative Pumelo is in accordance with agroekologi region Betasuka, the cost of production and labor is affordable by the perpetrator, the potential resources of land large enough water source, superior varieties are available at the location, and community self-reliance is high enough. A competitive advantage based on superior varieties Pummelo producers in a large scale only in Magetan, the market for facilities open enough marketing, business profits Pummelo higher than other types of plants in the same land, technological support and post-harvest cultivation is available, enough skilled workers, facilities adequate infrastructure, support of capital available, and value-added form of candied orange as product diversification.

There are some strengths to support the development of orange Pummelo that can develop into leading commodities from the district of Magetan. Agroekologi the appropriate area for the development of Pummelo are the factors that determine the development in the region Pummelo of Magetan. The lack of competition in production, in this case from outside the region Magetan (Betasuka), the level of awareness, knowledge, skills and motivation to the farmers in Pummelo, and the formation of a steady institutional farmers also become factors that support for the development of the district Pummelo Magetan. Opportunities for development in the district Pummelo of Magetan also still wide open with the rising demand will Pummelo while prices are high and stable, not terlayaninya export demand, and the absence of competition from regions other countries. On the other hand there are also some weaknesses that must be handled by the district government, Magetan, as there is still farmers who sell oranges has not been on time, awareness of the farmers in the area of the OMO is not evenly distributed, the marketing is still dominated middleman, to the limited capital for farmers optimization.

Magetan's district government has also been implementing programs and increase production quality Pummelo the form of activities that there have been and will continue, the development potential production Pummelo in four districts, and data collection cultivators domiciled in Huntly. Activities that have been there and continue through the budget funds the district is the construction of Magetan cultivators superior seed varieties Pummelo, provision of seeds Pummelo pattern with the subsidy, the development of the area Pummelo, technology, culture, security through the production of fruit flies, organisms and plants gadfly CVPD with how friendly environment, improvement of technology, post harvest facilities, agribusiness Pummelo institutional development, training of farmers, capital facilitation, promotion and superior product on various occasions.


what and where is Magetan???

Masih banyak orang yang belum tau salah satu kabupaten kecil di pojok barat Propinsi Jawa Timur, Kabupaten Magetan namanya. Magetan adalah sebuah kabupaten kecil di kaki gunung Lawu yang merupakan perbatasan antara propinsi Jawa Timur dengan Jawa Tengah, kabupaten ini tidak terlalu besar luasnya sekitar 688,85 km², dan hanya terdiri atas 17 kecamatan, yang terdiri dari 208 desa dan 27 kelurahan.

Kabupaten Magetan dilintasi jalan raya utama Surabaya-Madiun-Yogyakarta dan jalur kereta api lintas selatan Pulau Jawa, namun jalur tersebut tidak melintasi ibukota Kabupaten Magetan. Satu-satunya stasiun yang berada di wilayah kabupaten Magetan adalah Stasiun Barat terletak di wilayah Kecamatan Barat.

Obyek wisata dari Magetan sendiri punya andalan yaitu telaga Sarangan yang berada di jalur wisata Magetan-Sarangan-Tawangmangu-Karanganyar. Tidak hanya itu, masih banyak obyek wisata lain yang bisa dikunjungi misalnya Taman Ria Manunggal, Lanud Iswahyudi, perkebunan teh 'Jamus', dan lain-lain.
Yang paling menarik Magetan dikenal karena kerajinan kulit (untuk alas kaki dan tas) karena inilah daerah wisata yang paling banyak pengunjungnya dan produksi jeruk pumelo atau lebih dikenal dengan jeruk Bali.


Magetan Kota wisata

Jumat, 05 Desember 2008

Banyak obyek wisata di kota magetan yang bis anda kunjungi
salah satunya adalah telaga sarangan


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